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What is black?

Jet black vs. natural black

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What is black?

Black can be defined as the absence of light or the combination of all primary colors. You can probably find discussion online about whether black is a color. Well walk down any hair aisle in the supermarket and you will have no doubt about whether black is a color. So when we decided to go “black” we have tons of options. The two primary options are jet black, usually referred to as a color “1” and natural black referred to as the color “1B.” In many stores you will find the option of blue black or purple black, which read as black but reflect deep blue and purple colors in light. This time we will focus on jet black and natural black.

What is jet black?

Jet Black Wig Cory Jet black, “1”, is the darkest black you will find available in wig colors. Generally, no one has this color hair naturally thus the color “1” can be quite harsh even on dark skin tones. However the “1” is the best contrast one can create between skin tone and hair. Many women love “1” because of the contrast it creates on darker skin tones. Some women choose “1” because it causes pale skin to look even paler for a stark, crisp look. The best feature of the color “1” is that it’s easy to match for those who wear half wigs, weaves or extensions. One can dye one’s hair jet black and never worry about whether hair accessories will match because “1” tends to be the same everywhere.

What is natural black?

Natural Black Wig Indian Remi Natural 810 Natural black is can be found in the color “1B.” This color reflects the black that is usually found in hair naturally and it usual features very subtle brown tones throughout the hair. 1B still reads as black and will still give ladies with pale skin tones the contrast they are looking for. For women with darker skin tones, a wig in a “1B” will look the most natural. The naturalness of “1B” means it will not provide as striking a look as a “1.” Both “1” and “1B” continue to be the most popular colors for wig styles.

If you wear black, where do you fall- "1" or "1B"?